Welcome to West Campus

Welcome to West Campus

Thursday, March 5, 2015

West Campus Senate Meeting Minutes

Thursday, 1:15 pm, December 4, 2014


PRESENT:   Karen Cowden (presiding), Ruby Alvarez, Barbara Ball, Cindy Bell, Betsy Brantley, Tyler Branz, Barry Bunn, Tullio Bushrui, Jamy Chulak, David Curtis, Rudolph Darden, Jeff Donley, Diane Gomez, Lynn Howard, Mayra Holzer,  Beth King, Jackie Lindbeck, Soheyla Nakhai, Rick Pal, Pam Sandy, Bobbie Sartor, Sherrie Smith, Desiree Voita, James Vrhovac, Bruce Weisenbarger
GUESTS:   Don Burlinson and Barbara Lopez
1.    Let’s start with you:  The new senators and leadership team were welcomed. Group photos were taken of the West Campus Faculty Senate by Don Burlinson. 

2.    Approval of Minutes – Approval of the minutes from the November meeting were postponed until a future meeting.

3.    Campus President’s Report:  None

4.    Division/Department Reports:

a.    Advising (Student Affairs):  None 
b.    Adjuncts:  None  
c.    Allied Health:  None 
d.    Arts & Humanities:  None   
e.    Behavioral & Social Sciences:  None
f.     Business & Hospitality: The division was appreciative of Karen’s presentation related to disabilities.  They have had an Accounting preparedness meeting with UCF.  They are moving forward with a Bachelor degree in Business Management.
g.    Communications:  None    
h.    Engineering, Computer Programming, and Technology:  Their dean is traveling to Princess Nora University in Saudi Arabia to help set up a Computer Information Technology program. 
i.      Learning Support:  The library is scheduled to get carpet on the 2nd floor over the break and hoping to have things back in shape by the first week of classes.  The essential competencies survey is open now through January 16.
j.      Mathematics:   Rick Pal is joining the West Campus Faculty Senate as their division representative.  Lynn Howard will continue to be their At-Large representative.  Boris Nguyen is wearing two hats while their dean and math coordinator are out.  Lynn Hearn is retiring at the end of this semester.     
k.    Nursing:  None    
l.      Science:  None
m.   At-Large:  There is a memorial service for Brenda Schumpert at 3:30 pm in HSB-105.  The first International Education Week speech contest was piloted.  NSE faculty concerns related to the balance between their faculty and advising roles should go directly to Dr. Hardin. Every piece of documentation will help the cause.  Bill Mullowney and Amy Bosley are involved and a new or different contract status may need to be developed. There will be forums held once/month.
n.    Faculty Council At-Large:   Feedback will be solicited in January regarding Post-Tenure Review.
5.    Guest(s):  None 

6.    Senate President’s Report: 

a.    O.I.T. Organizational Charts:  OIT’s organizational chart was distributed at the WCLT meeting and may be helpful to gain a better understanding of the structure of OIT.  Karen will have it sent electronically to the group. 
b.    Faculty Workload:  While the state universities are required to have an internal auditor, Valencia chooses to have one.  Valencia’s internal auditor, Undria Stalling, will be conducting an internal audit of workload.  Faculty and deans are asked to be mindful of integrity in reporting. 
c.    Learning Day:  Faculty Senate has been asked to solicit faculty members to work on the Learning Day planning committee.
d.    Safety Training Day:  Changes are coming in the spring.
e.    Faculty Lync Voicemail:  The group was encouraged to set up their voicemail and encourage others to do the same.
f.     Lync Profile/Photo:  All are encouraged to include a photo.  Phone directory information can be changed in Atlas. 

7.      Discussion Items:  None

8.      Committee Reports:

a.    Veterans Issues:  None  
b.    Travel Committee:  None 
c.    Student Ombudsman:  None 

9.      Next Meeting:  January 15, 2015

10.      Adjournment


West Campus Senate Meeting Minutes

Thursday, 1:15 pm, December 4, 2014


PRESENT:   Karen Cowden (presiding), Ruby Alvarez, Barbara Ball, Cindy Bell, Betsy Brantley, Tyler Branz, Barry Bunn, Tullio Bushrui, Jamy Chulak, David Curtis, Rudolph Darden, Jeff Donley, Diane Gomez, Lynn Howard, Mayra Holzer,  Beth King, Jackie Lindbeck, Soheyla Nakhai, Rick Pal, Pam Sandy, Bobbie Sartor, Sherrie Smith, Desiree Voita, James Vrhovac, Bruce Weisenbarger
GUESTS:   Don Burlinson and Barbara Lopez
1.    Let’s start with you:  The new senators and leadership team were welcomed. Group photos were taken of the West Campus Faculty Senate by Don Burlinson. 

2.    Approval of Minutes – Approval of the minutes from the November meeting were postponed until a future meeting.

3.    Campus President’s Report:  None

4.    Division/Department Reports:

a.    Advising (Student Affairs):  None 
b.    Adjuncts:  None  
c.    Allied Health:  None 
d.    Arts & Humanities:  None   
e.    Behavioral & Social Sciences:  None
f.     Business & Hospitality: The division was appreciative of Karen’s presentation related to disabilities.  They have had an Accounting preparedness meeting with UCF.  They are moving forward with a Bachelor degree in Business Management.
g.    Communications:  None    
h.    Engineering, Computer Programming, and Technology:  Their dean is traveling to Princess Nora University in Saudi Arabia to help set up a Computer Information Technology program. 
i.      Learning Support:  The library is scheduled to get carpet on the 2nd floor over the break and hoping to have things back in shape by the first week of classes.  The essential competencies survey is open now through January 16.
j.      Mathematics:   Rick Pal is joining the West Campus Faculty Senate as their division representative.  Lynn Howard will continue to be their At-Large representative.  Boris Nguyen is wearing two hats while their dean and math coordinator are out.  Lynn Hearn is retiring at the end of this semester.     
k.    Nursing:  None    
l.      Science:  None
m.   At-Large:  There is a memorial service for Brenda Schumpert at 3:30 pm in HSB-105.  The first International Education Week speech contest was piloted.  NSE faculty concerns related to the balance between their faculty and advising roles should go directly to Dr. Hardin. Every piece of documentation will help the cause.  Bill Mullowney and Amy Bosley are involved and a new or different contract status may need to be developed. There will be forums held once/month.
n.    Faculty Council At-Large:   Feedback will be solicited in January regarding Post-Tenure Review.
5.    Guest(s):  None 

6.    Senate President’s Report: 

a.    O.I.T. Organizational Charts:  OIT’s organizational chart was distributed at the WCLT meeting and may be helpful to gain a better understanding of the structure of OIT.  Karen will have it sent electronically to the group. 
b.    Faculty Workload:  While the state universities are required to have an internal auditor, Valencia chooses to have one.  Valencia’s internal auditor, Undria Stalling, will be conducting an internal audit of workload.  Faculty and deans are asked to be mindful of integrity in reporting. 
c.    Learning Day:  Faculty Senate has been asked to solicit faculty members to work on the Learning Day planning committee.
d.    Safety Training Day:  Changes are coming in the spring.
e.    Faculty Lync Voicemail:  The group was encouraged to set up their voicemail and encourage others to do the same.
f.     Lync Profile/Photo:  All are encouraged to include a photo.  Phone directory information can be changed in Atlas. 

7.      Discussion Items:  None

8.      Committee Reports:

a.    Veterans Issues:  None  
b.    Travel Committee:  None 
c.    Student Ombudsman:  None 

9.      Next Meeting:  January 15, 2015

10.      Adjournment